Friday, November 27, 2009


This was a Halloween figure drawing party at the SMFA. There was food, funky music, and 6 models. Most of the poses we're pretty short, nothing over 5 minutes.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Summer sketches the sequel

top(boston): The lady in Chinese restaurant camouflage. Gotta love that fairway green.
bottom(NYC):a motorcycle and some subway doodles
*All my sketches are in ballpoint pen btw

summer sketches

I was digging through the summer moleskines and found some stuff I like from the NYC days. Nobody sits still like a New Yorker; they turn the external world off when they're in bookstores and cafes.

Sumi Skull

A sumi warm up before work. Total drawing time may have been a minute.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Katie and her hands

Some excerpts from the moleskine. You can see the lady's blog here:
The mug at the top and most of the hands belong to her.
All done in ballpoint pen with some washes here and there.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Figure Drawing

20 minute figure drawing in my moleskine plus some hand studies. Wierd how lefties hold their pens. We should hate them for that.


Saturday, November 7, 2009

The burbs

Since moving back to PA I've made a lot of attempts to keep my field drawing alive but I've made peace with working from my imagination more since the burbs lack that urban texture I grew to love so much. But here's some suburban field drawing anyway